Contract Liability Risk Simulator
Visualize different types of damages that could arise from contract breaches

Contract Liability Risk Simulator
This simulator helps attorneys, contract managers, and business professionals visualize and analyze potential liability exposure in contracts. It calculates and displays different types of damages that could arise from contract breaches, allowing users to understand the impact of liability caps and breach severity.
Key Features
- Models four types of damages: Direct, Consequential, Reputational, and Operational
- Visualizes both capped and uncapped liability scenarios
- Provides real-time risk analysis and damage calculations
- Shows total potential exposure across all damage types
How to Use
1. Input Parameters
- Contract Value ($): Enter the total contract value
- Liability Cap ($):some text
- Enter a specific cap amount
- Leave empty or enter 0 for unlimited liability scenarios
- Breach Severity (%): Use the slider to adjust from 0-100%some text
- 0-20%: Minor breach with minimal impact
- 20-40%: Moderate breach affecting some operations
- 40-60%: Significant breach with substantial impact
- 60-80%: Major breach affecting most operations
- 80-100%: Critical breach with severe business impact
2. Understanding the Visualization
- Colored Bars: Each color represents a different type of damage
- Bar Height: Shows the monetary value of potential damages
- Gray Bars: Show uncapped liability potential
- Colored Bars: Show actual liability after cap is applied
- Red Dotted Line: Indicates the liability cap level (when applicable)
- Total Damages: Final bar shows aggregate exposure
3. Risk Analysis
The bottom panel provides key metrics:
- Total potential liability across all damage types
- Actual capped liability (if cap is applied)
- Percentage of risk reduction from the liability cap
Use Cases
- Negotiating liability caps in contracts
- Assessing risk exposure in different breach scenarios
- Comparing different contract structures
- Explaining liability concepts to clients or stakeholders
- Start with the contract value to set the baseline
- Experiment with different breach severity levels to understand potential exposure
- Compare capped vs. uncapped scenarios to evaluate risk reduction
- Hover over bars for detailed breakdowns of each damage type
- Use the interactive legend to focus on specific damage types
Remember that this is a simulation tool intended for educational and planning purposes. Actual damages in real situations may vary and should be evaluated with appropriate legal counsel.